Trollkin Curse

Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 17:10:29 -0400 (EDT)

    James Frusetta asked whether the trollkin curse sets in at conception.
>From a biological point of view, it should actually be even earlier than
this, unless all trollkin in a litter are monozygotic (which I believe the Digest recently agreed was a cool word... oh, hang on, that was 'dizygotic'... ah well, same difference). If trollkin litters consisted of identical siblings, then the curse would have to set in at or (like armadillos) shortly after conception. But I get the impression trollkin litters contain a mixture of male and female babies, superior and pathetic trollkin, etc. So, logically, it must set in at the moment of ovulation at the very latest.

    That's 'logically' from a biologist's POV, mind. The Curse is magic, after all, it doesn't have to follow 20th century science. But, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, I'll stick with this theory for now.

     Pester me too much on this and I'll start throwing in words like 'monochorionic' and 'diamniotic'. You have been warned! ;-)

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