Free Will & Traits

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 97 18:07:56 +0100

Free Will & Traits

Michael Cule muses about a Free Will in a HeroQuest system, and mentions Pendragon traits and passions. Surely Pendragon traits and passions represent free will directly? As your traits and passions reach extremes you gain  bonuses
(religious or chivalric, as well as increasing mana levels of magicians), whilst your behaviour becomes more and more constrained.

It is possible to argue that extreme traits and passions do not represent any loss of free will, but rather that are just a mechanism of reflecting the character of a person. I do not agree with this, a trait or passion not just  is
a measure of personality, but when it has an extreme value, it constrains behaviour, even if following the trait or passion is not in the best  interests
of the individual. To argue that some one with an extreme trait or passion still has free will, it is just that they always chose to act in a specified way, sounds like semantics to me, the final effect is the same.

Also do you need HQ rules? I have run what would be HQs if they were set in glorantha very successfully in my Pendragon campaign, with heavy emphasis on the characters' traits and passions.

Stephen Lucek.

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