Re: Ship Ramming

From: Tal Meta <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 10:23:29 -0400

> From: <>
> And while we're on that subject, since galleys often had
> pointy ram-things for that very purpose, would one be able to cast
> Bladesharp on it or would there be a specific spell for that
> purpose?

This much I did have an answer for; I figured that depending on the SIZ of the ram, a sufficiently large bladesharp (say, a 5 or 6) would be enough to add an additional point to it. Sorcery would be a better fix, as it's easier to raise the Intensity via ceremony & maintain it (we're using Sandy's rules) than it is to acquire a bladesharp 8 spell. (The party shaman now refuses to go looking for spells higher than say, 3, as the two 4 point spell spirits he sought out on the spirit plane stole his lunch money, spat on his fetch, and left him looking like a misused wench in a shopping cart on the lawn).

(We aren't playing on Glorantha, although there are plenty of Gloranthan elements about; most of the gods, the Red Moon & Empire, Pavis, etc....)

> Have people had much in the way of ship battles in their
> campaigns?
> V.S. Greene : : Boston, near Arkham...

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