Morokanth Hero Quest

From: Guy Hoyle <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 00:08:29 +0000

I have an idea for a Morokanth heroquest that I've been kicking about, but I don't know where it's going, really. The whole notion is based on the cool idea of a Morokanth running around with awakened herd beasts from other tribes. This seems to me to be a magically powerful idea in that it is a flouting of the results of Waha's covenant. I think that a Heroquest might be possible that somehow undoes the Covenant. What the ramifications would be would be anybody's guess. Perhaps the Morokanth's goal is to create a tribe of intelligent animals somewhere.

It's a raw, untested concept, and I have no clues about what to do with it; perhaps I've been thinking too much like a herd-man lately to think like a morokanth.

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Guy Hoyle (
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