Yelmalio, Sheep (what else?)

From: Stephen Martin <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 02:18:41 EST

>Yes. Yelmalio is the god of the cold winter sun, the sun at its most
>but also most persistent time, the sun which wanes only to grow stronger

Actually, according to most published sources, he has always been the god of the Sun in the hills, the Sun whose light is more important than its warmth. I know of no printed source, at least none official I can think of, which says that Yelmalio has anything to do with the Winter Sun.

Also, is it Yelmalio or Elmal to whom these descriptions apply?

I also note that The Colymar Book of King of Sartar implies a link between Yelmalio worship and Hyalor worship.

Jeff Richards
>Cattle are a status symbol - wealth on the hoof. Cattle do provide
>farm-labor (the Heortlings pull their plough with a team of oxen) and
>dairy products. Further, the cow is simply considered a "more
>important" animal than the more productive sheep. There ain't no

One wonders whether the supremacy of cattle over sheep in Orlanthi society is because of, or a cause of, the importance of Urox vis a vis Voriof.

Stephen Martin

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