Kralori Month

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 13:52:56 EST


<<2. Moon worship was mentioned in conjunction with the exiled lunars and the captive red emperor. That brings back an old issue. I know I have asked about this before. The Kralorelan calendar is divided into six _months_. I asssociate months with moons. The calendar was created in past ages, but what pre-Dawn moon had a seven week period?>>

     I don't know about the Moons, but it is worth noting IMO that the planet Lokarnos has a 28-week period, so a Kralori month is a quarter of that. How relevant this is is a moot point, since Lokarnos first rose in -210 ST (according to GRoY) and I would assume that the Kralori calendar dates back a lot further than that. OTOH, he is the 'timekeeper', which could well suggest his period was the same pre-Darkness as it is in present times.

Forward the glorious Red Army!


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