RE: Troll cooks

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 09:11:31 -0600

Erik Sieurin notices something about Thunderbreath restaurants
>Did you notice something peculiar? A lot of the food is boiled or fried
or battered. To prepare food in such a way, you need
>a: FIRE!
>This means the chain is run by a strange brotherhood of
fire-worshipping troll sorcerers

        Thunderbreath restaurants is, of course, run by the Zorak Zoran cult. What else would you expect? Just as troll smiths are mostly Zorak Zoran (with a very few Lodril), their cooks are, too.

        This makes Thunderbreath even more exciting for your average visitor. "If you don't like the food, feel free to complain to the chef. He's a Death Lord."

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