
From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 17:28:04 +0100

Peter Metcalfe, replying to Sergio :

>>What is odd to me is why are Malkioni considered materialistics?
>>Because they practise sorcery?
>Because their worldview is constructed on the basis of provable
>concepts. They interpolate from easily proven concepts and then
>go on to prove the interpolations. By this method, they have
>proved the existance of the Invisible God and that is how they
>attempt to reach him.

I'd quible that only Brithini have 'proven' the existence of the Invisible God, while ince the fall of the kingdom of logic most Malkioni have had to make do with evidence in the form of the ascention of the saints rather than proof in the strict sense.

>A Materialist does X and creates effect Y.

Because he believes in demonstrable and consistent laws of nature which rule the material world. Absolutely. Malkioni Wizards take the fact that their magic works as proof that the world is ruled by Law.

Simon Hibbs

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