Re: HW Mechanics

From: Sergio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 17:47:45 +0100

I'm one of those that only know HW from postings to GD, but I agree plainly with George's comments on the usage of Action and Plot Points-like mechanics in RPGs.


>> I have inferred, I hope incorrectly, that Plot Points serve as some
>> sort of trump card for a player to use to greatly increase the chance of
>> success with a particular action, and that they are for each player a
>> limited resource.  I would really dislike such a mechanic intensely.

Nick Brooke:
> Because, like RQ Rune Lords' Divine Intervention (or WB&RM Heroic
> Escapes), it might allow your players to frag games by virtue of their
> Gloranthan magical potency? Or are DI/HE rolls OK, but Plot Points
> not, for some arcane reason?

The reason why DI is OK, but Plot Points aren't is not arcane, George explained ot very well. I can see my PC, while facing a very hard situation, asking for his god's intervention (and ROLE play the situation). But I cannot see my PC, in that same situation, using his Plot Points... because he as none. I would see me, the player, using them. I would stop role playing and start RULE playing (or ROLL playing).

I expect HW to be a role playing game, not a rule or roll playing game.

Since WB&RM is not a role playing game, I guess it's ok in such a game to have something like Plot Points.

> Plot Points are rather like the similar points (Hero Points, Force
> Points, ate Points, and lord knows what else) that many other
> systems use to allow players some respite from the evils of the
> uncaring dice (and to allow GMs to reward good play).

Who said those systems can be commended? IMO, this is the worst approach 'to allow players some respite from the evils of the uncaring dice'. If dice are evil, drop the dice, or interpret the their results in a different way. Don't create a metarule that makes results even more artifical. If the GM wants 'to reward good play', he can find other options where players are rewarded in-character.


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