Vampire shapechangers

From: Loren Miller <>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 17:44:52 +0000

"Nick Brooke" <> responds to Erik's wonderful musing on vampires:
> Both bats (cf. the Crimson Bat) and wolves (cf. the Gbaji Wars) are tainted
> by Chaos, in an orthodox Orlanthi viewpoint. I once thought that maybe
> Western vampires could shapechange to wolves, and Pelorian vampires could
> shapechange to bats. This would mean that the vampires from the part of the
> world where Peloria and the West overlapped would be particularly nasty.
> Anyone surprised to learn that this is Carmania?

What other beings are tainted by chaos?

Orlanthi POV:
some Trolls
some Giants

Western POV:
All nonhumans, esp. Trolls

So I could well imagine that western vampires could change into men of darkness (sim. to male darkness hags) and wolves, and that pelorian vampires could change into bats and wolves, and that those of carmania could turn into any of these.

Also, from the Carmanian POV, wolves are the evil correspondent to carmanian Lions, the warrior king of beasts of the land. Bats are the evil correspondent to the Owl, lord of the night air. Any ideas what is the evil correspondent to the Bull, or is it the Bull that is the evil correspondent to something else?

> I don't think this any more, BTW, but someone out there may.

It's certainly an attractive idea.

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