Bat Kibble, part 2

From: Andrew Behan <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 20:59:14 GMT

I know from personal experience, which former players can corroborate that the Crimson Bat spends about 10% of its time in Brolia. I guess it does a grand circuit of the Empire around the _outside_ edge of the Glowline. I reckon there is plenty of Bat Kibble in Dorastor, Brolia, Dragon Pass, Balazar and the Redlands. There isn't any need to march it up the Oslir from Alkoth to Yuthuppa - -.. these days.

Any FWIW the bat preceeded the Goddess, and a big scary monster pointing at your enemies is better than a big scary monster doing a random walk in your vicinity.
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