Ideographic Western, Ygglings

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 98 16:34 MET DST

Mike Cule:
> Why don't people like this? I don't understand why you want to alter
> the plain sense of the source to change something that will not make
> all that much difference. Just to preserve the analogy with Western
> Europe?

Probably for the reason that books filled with ideograms produce a very different look-and-feel compared to lettered books. No greatly embellished capitals filled with knotwork, etc.

I think you are right about "likes" and "dislikes", or gut feelings.

> About the Yggites I don't have any prejudices but I don't want to
> invent a whole new pantheon for people who may not even impinge on
> the campaign much.

Ygg would be the cultural god, and most prominent. Do you even need names for other deities the Ygglings might worship besides? Would your players know whether the Ygglings invoke heroes or deities, or what's their function?

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