Re: Chaotic ecology & Krarsht

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 10:55:52 +0100

Oliver Bernuetz :

>*(Of course like any "rule" (not that this is a rule) there are
>exceptions. There are of course subtle chaotic creatures
>and cults-Karsht and Thanatar and these can thrive pretty
>much anywhere. (Interestingly in the case of Karsht we're
>talking about a pretty un-Chaotic chaos cult here).

The Krarsht cult is organised, but exists purely to serve the selfish interests of it's members. Thus it is incapable of functioning independently, as it would be forced to start feeding off itself. It can only sustain itself if it has a host society which it can parasitize. It's one of the most subtle and deeply insidious chaotic cults.

Simon Hibbs

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