Vinga Thunderousless?

From: Nick Eden <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 18:32:55 GMT

Alex wrote, in response to Jane:

>Well, depending on what the Vinga cult/keyword/whatever ends up looking
>like, more specifically "Thunder", I think. (If OW/V end up with
>no wind powers at all, I'll quietly raise an eyebrow.) I'm not
>sure it's a remotely universal connection, but it certainly exists,
>even in modern popular culture, as has been pointed out elsewhere.

In the 'Quest for the Black Spear' game, the Vingan did have the power of flight, which is moderately windy. not full on windy, like the Storm Voice, but not like there was no connection.

Thinks: WindWalking - that's the one Vingan spell anyone's heard of isn't it?

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