Re: Hero Wars

From: Andrew Raphael <>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 20:55:10 +1000 (EST)

David Dunham <> writes:

>> 2) 'Cheat death' also seems alarmingly general.

>If someone had this in my game, they'd get a roll (at whatever their skill)
>to avoid dying if they got to that state in combat. It certainly wouldn't
>let them fight better. FWIW, no player character has yet died in combat in
>the two local playtests, so it seems like a rare and specific ability to me.

I am reminded of the fight against the scorpion men in Cults of Terror and Lords of Terror when Paulis cripples his attacker, is pinned beneath it, gets a good, close look at chaos lice, and escapes having his head chopped off by Oddi.

That's a Cheat Death roll if ever there was one. ;-)

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