Rude Orlanthi Mounting their Horses and Other Stories

From: Ashley Munday <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:32:46 +0100

Keith said: "Horse Riding: I like to think that Orlanthi don't have any good horsey skills."

Tradition has it that one of the optional extras to become a Wind Lord is being good on the back of the ol' hoss. Likewise, they can take any extra weapon skill. Otherwise it's a bit of a blow that when a candidate rolls up to the temple on his horse and demonstrates his archery prowess only to be told "You actually believed what we told you about the requirements for becoming a Wind Lord? Shit, what a mug!"

George Harris wonders why skills in HW are represented as two numbers, x / y where the total of x and y is a multiple of 20. It's because HW players are meant to be literate (i.e. able to write their 100 word descriptions), not numerate. It's all to stop play grinding to a halt while players and GMs wrestle with the intense difficulty of subtraction.

Finally, Steve notes: "Alex, the inveterate Orlanthi (he's a Scot, ain't he? THAT figures...)"

You can tell Alex is Scottish just by looking at how much he bid for some things on Simon Phipp's auction :-) I do, however, wholeheartedly agree with Alex's sentiment that HW be Sartar-centric at first. RQ supplements managed to avoid Dragon Pass like a proverbial dose of the clap. We had to infer what was going on by looking at the Sartarite exiles in the rest of the world. It's been like finding out what Ireland's like is by studying Boston.


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