Re: Tarsh Towns

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 05:54:56 +0100

Chris Gidlow writes:

> Pace Nick Brooke, the town governments of the Roman, and the Lunar
> Empires are pretty democratic.

Which is what I said: the ruling body is a well-off (and usually corrupt) elite, manipulating the reins of power for its own ends. The national governments of the United Kingdom and United States are also "pretty democratic". Just look at them...

Then add the ethics of the Lunar Way (illusion, deception, insanity), and Dart Competitions (Darwinism red in tooth and claw) to the mix.

In Glorantha, of course, there would be a chance for a heroic "underdog" to become prominent in local politics (and perhaps clean out the stables). I remain convinced that the toga has lots of useful folds to hide your dagger in. Sufetes Atraxis (from "Tarsh War") has all the prerequisites for a successful Tarshite politician: money, shamelessness, money, ruthlessness, and money. In fact, his position as an elected officer in the Bagnot militia is also "pretty democratic". Not bad for the richest, fattest slave trader in Lunar Tarsh...

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