Re: Telmori before Time

Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 17:55:17 EST

Thomas Gottschall:

<< I would like to know what the Telmori were like before time. There are some hint that they were quite civilized. I would like a good description of their culture before Time.>>

      You're going to have to remind me what these hints are. AFAIK, most hsunchen religions have heavy proscriptions against tilling the soil. While there *may* be exceptions (though none spring to mind) and simple spreading of wild seeds on untilled soil is practiced by some hsunchen peoples, in general, there is no agriculture amongst true hsunchen. Without agriculture, civilisation simply cannot work because population densities cannot become high enough (dwarves are an exception as they can mass-produce their food by other means).

     Those hsunchen cultures which take up agriculture, such as the Ramalian Mraloti, begin to lose their powers and become less hsunchen. It may be that enough powers can be retained to cause other cultures to regard these people as 'hsunchen' in some way - for instance, I gather that Greg has stated that the Yinkini shadow-cat hsunchen weren't really hsunchen at all, no matter how they are remembered by later cultures. These hybrid or hsunchen-like cultures may be reasonably widespread now, but I doubt they are reasonable model for the pre-Time Telmori.

      I suspect that pre-Time Telmori culture was much the same as that they had in the First Age, before the coming of Gbaji. Storm Age Telmori myths IMO focus on conflicts which initially demonstrated Telmor's superiority over herbivores, and therefore his inalienable right to eat the same, and later with his siblings, such as Yinkin and Brother Dog. Golden Age and Green Age myths, of course, deal with the early foundations of the culture and lay down many of its most basic rules - these would have been elaborated and expanded through the Storm Age and reinstituted (rather than substantially replaced) in the Grey Age/early Dawn Age.

      But if you do have sources that indicate something rather different, then I may well have to admit I'm wrong. It wouldn't be the first time...

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