Re: Moon

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:18:35 -0800

>> Imagine a circle of elements
>> that goes:
>> Fire
>> Water Dark
>> Air Earth
>> Each element can easily beat the element clockwise from itself (Fire beats
>> Dark beats Earth beats Air beats Water beats Fire). >>

>Does the moon fit in the middle of this circle?

Yes and no... The Lunars say "Yes" (of course) and that they can defeat any of the other elements. However, the current Red Moon is outside the compromise, and thus not a "true" Element, so doesn't fit the pattern. They have defeated and been defeated by the other elements (Sheng Seleris for Fire, the problems in Sartar for Air, Holy Country for Earth, Dakori Inkarth for Darkness, I can't think of Water off the top of my head, unless you count Valind's Glacier as a form of Water...

Note that the same process that works on the elements works on the battlefield as well. There are Runic formations (The Sunstand is mentioned in Groy, a Circle of men with a cluster of command staff in the center) - and a Ritually Pure Runic Elemental formation will defeat the same enemies as noted above.

In the Entokosiad there are a couple of mentions of this "elemental" correspondance, the Battle of ?Water beats Fire?; the time the Earth worshippers hired Air to defeat Water (can't remember that battle off the top of my head, sorry).  

Fire and Air are *not* inherently superior to each other, which is why they have such a grand time as enemies - it takes more than mythic resonances to defeat the enemy.


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