For the Birds!

From: John Patrick Hughes <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 14:56:39 -0800 (PST)

Howdy folks

Peace, Joy and crimpy for Sacred Time to you all:

[This is a resend. MS (hack *phut*) Outlook doesn't like replies to the Digest. Mail from my office account *never* arrives. GCotSGs? Naaaaw, economic fascism. Or perhaps user incompetance :)]

Joerg wonders: -

<< wonder about migratory birds (like storks). Are there any regular bird
 migrations in Genertela and/or across the waters? >>

Me thoughts...

In my understanding, the seasons occur simultaneously across the Lozenge (if its Storm Season in Far Point, it's Storm in Jolar (though they don't call it that)). The Gloranthan temperature gradient is always North/South: southern Pamaltela is a realm of fire, northern Genertela is a realm of ice. Therefore, long distance migrations would not occur for the same reasons as on our particular mote in the cosmos.

If a flying creature has strong elemental associations, then large distance migrations are possibly in order - consider them animal heroquests. Certain species of vrok or other fire-linked birds may only be able to breed in the fire deserts of southern Pamaltela, or in sacred locales such as the Hill of Gold. Or perhaps it *is* a heroquest: if the birds survive the journey their offspring will be gifted (intelligence, runic-powers, etc.). Similarly, wind hawks will return to Wintertop (or other air-linked axes mundi) to mate. Giant insects may descend the HellCrack to breed in pure Darkness.

When I first set out to detail the flora and fauna of the Far Place, I decided that *micro-migration* between different environmental zones was most common. Ice and Darkness creatures head to the upland peaks in Dark Season, everything else heads for more temperate regions.

And cuz its Glorantha, well there must be MGF weirdness and mythic turmoil as well. Is it true that goonie birds can only nest in the decaying body of a enlo lodged halfway up an oak tree? Why are wind cutters so determined to nest *only* in the rafters of storm godi? Why do silkmanes perform mating dances around the heads of Elmali Lords? Why do sticklepick brewers heroquest to bring stoneturd nests from the Other Side? Ahhh sweet mystery of life...


John Hughes

"Rune-questers these heroes be, reckless in the cattle raid, generous in gifting, bloody in battle, eloquent in the moot, courageous in compassion, ferocious in worship, passionate in praise, resolute in heroquest, tender in courtship, humble in learning from their mistakes." A Rope Of Cedarbark.

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