lamps & physics & curious people

From: Ian Gorlick <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 09:33:09 -0500

Simon Hibbs:
Most Gloranthans may not have access to clear glass. That is why they make lanterns out of horn. (If you check the etymology, you will find that 'lantern' contains 'horn' as one of its roots.)

Horn is a fascinating material that is much neglected in the modern world, but should be a very important technology in Glorantha. Horn is the ancient equivalent for plastic. It can be moulded and welded. Thin films are quite transparent. It can be made into containers that are air- and water-tight.

Andrew Barton:
 In the RW, Priestley may not have been able to isolate oxygen before the 17th century; but long before that, ordinary people like miners knew that the air got used up in enclosed spaces by breathing and by torches. That basic empirical knowledge goes back at least to the Egyptians and their rock-cut tombs. It is fair to question how wide-spread that empirical knowledge was among the general population, but the people who needed to know did.

Now, Priestley's experiments and his experiences with the mob could be a wonderful basis for an adventure. The Lankhor Mhy priest, Joseph, needs some body-guards because people have been interfering with his experiments....

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