Re: Shan Shan Hsunchen

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:48:56 EST


<< I think there are tiger people in Kralorela as well, but they have a
tougher time, hiding away.>>

     The Kralorelans believe that the Tiger people 'travel through all the zones' of the mountains & jungle, so clearly they must be more widespread than just Fethlon. OTOH, RW tigers only live in forested areas, so I doubt that the Tiger folk are quite as widely dispursed as the Kralorelans think - they don't live regulalrly above the tree line for example, unlike the Yak and Eagle people. Having said that tigers don't care what *sort* of forest they live in, and are just as happy in snow-covered taiga forest as in tropical jungle. Well, OK, they're more densely populated in jungle, because there's more food there, but Siberian tigers aren't that hard up.

     At any rate, while the main centres of Tiger hsunchen population are found in the south IMO, I'm sure they live throughout the western Kralorela region, up as far as the Kingdom of Ignorance.

<<Question then is, do the Original Teshnan and the Kralorelan tiger people
get along, or is there conflict between the jungle dwelling teshnan tigers and the Kralorelan ones, descending from the mountains? >>

      I don't think there's any official feud, but all Tiger people are naturally competitive IMO, and conflict is a way of life, especially for the menfolk. Tigers are not pack animals, and will only tolerate their close relatives (and not necessarily for very long then, once they grow up). Tiger people, being human, have to be somewhat more sociable, but even so there's bound to be some element of conflict when *any* two groups of Tiger people get together, never mind whether they're Teshnan or Kralorelan.

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