Re: Initiate Wars

From: Eric Rowe <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 12:45:26 -0700

> The keywords were just words, not power-levels, and they never meant
>rune-level types.>>
> In fact, I specifically asked whether this were the case some time last
>year, and was told by the playtesters (notably Dave Dunham IIRC) that this
>was *not* so, although one could easily convert HW to such gaming if one
>wanted - as I've already noted, its a real doddle to do so. If the intent of
>the system been changed since (or, for that matter, they were wrong) then

They were wrong. I'll explain more below.

>Although you have to admit, surely, that having the keyword 'Storm
>Voice' would tend to imply that one is, in fact, a Storm Voice. It seems the
>terminology is confusing, not to say innaccurate - unless they've changed it
>since, of course, and added 'Initiate of Orlanth Thunderous' type keywords or
>some such. But even if they haven't... hey, I can live with it :-)

The thing you have to understand is that Character Keywords do not change as you get better at them. Lay Storm Member does not become Initiate Storm Member which does not become Storm Voice. It is Storm Voice all along. That is the keyword. Whether you actually have the position of Storm Voice politically and religiously in your community is up to your skill level and gameplay. Note that HW will try to avoid having Keywords and actual positions(king, priest) match. No one wants a 'Tribal King' Keyword and this will be avoided as much as possible in the final editing.

><< HW should support all levels of play.>>

> Support how, though? As I said before, its not just the mechanics that
>are important here. I notice nobody has answered my question about the
>*level* of that support, e.g. the proportion of scenarios for sub-rune-level
>characters which are likely to be published. Is this just because nobody is
>in a position to know? Which wouldn't surprise me, given that most of us are
>not Issaries employees :-). I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Take a look at Pavis. That set had all sorts of potential for play at all levels, from street gang to religious faction leader. No RQ party could ever interact at all these levels at the same time, but they were all still presented. HW will do the same.

It seems you're mainly worried about what levels of play the scenarios will support. I currently expect (and could easily be wrong) that there will be no Pure scenario products for HW. They don't sell for exactly the problem that not everyone plays at the same level that you mention. What will work is background books with scenario ideas and example scenarios. It is a lot less time consuming to put together a HW scenario than a RQ one. I also expect to see loads and loads of free scenarios available from Issaries off their web site covering any power level people wish to write them at. A truism in the game industry is backgrounds sell, scenarios just cost companies money but are needed to support the game.


Eric Rowe
Wizard's Attic

(another person who will use both systems from time to time)

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