The ultimate taboo

From: Richard, Jeff <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:47:41 -0700

David Weihe asks:

>If that is the penultimate, what is the Ultimate taboo?

Why, cooperation with the hated _____ (fill in the name of the clan in the next vallet), of course!!! Seriously, Orlanthi take their feuds and rivalries very seriously. The rise of Lokamayadon and the Bright Empire can be viewed as a feud between the politically dominant Heortling minority and the non-Heortling majority within the HCLG. Orlanthi tragedies are replete with heroes who went "too far" in the prosecution of their feuds.

>> It encompasses a range of actions, rituals, beings and even thoughts,
>> traditionalist Orlanthi are firmly convinced threatens to destroy
>My view is that the various Wars of the Gods involved greater and greater
>destructive forces, and that Chaos seems to have pushed the envelope to
>the point that it appears qualitatively different.

That's a very objective approach and one not shared by the Orlanthi. The DH's, on the other hand, don't even view it as being qualitatively different - - just quantitatively.


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