Re: Hero Wars update ?

Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 16:25:46 EDT

Roger McCarthy:

<< I may have dreamed this but a few minutes ago (22:00-ish UK time) included an Issaries news update dated 15th October giving a new release date of February (or was it March ?) for Hero Wars but I've just looked again and it's gone !>>

     It wasn't at last time I checked, either. However it *was* in the latest GTA newsletter, so you probably didn't dream it. It was, of course, inevitable that as soon as I posted to this Digest that the official release date of December looked plausible to me, that Issaries would change it to February. Introduction to Glorantha is now scheduled for December instead of November. Absolutely positively definately this time, according to Issaries. Hmm....

Forward the glorious Red Army!


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