Cults of Prax questions

From: Marc Philips <>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 10:12:17 +0100

In the early 80's I had a copy of Cults of Prax that I lost. I recently managed to buy another copy in an auction.

I sort of remembered that my original copy was square bound (glued) but the copy that I just bought is stapled. Am I remembering it wrongly? Were there square bound copies of CoP? Also, these two copies displayed a map of Prax on the cover but I have also seen a "first edition" copy in an auction with a different cover: two humans adventurers (a man on a horse and a "scantly clad" woman) and (although it's hard to tell for sure from the on-line picture, I would guess) Baboons.

Does anyone know how many editions/prints there have been?


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