I want an ELFPACK !

From: Jean-Paul Lhuillier <sysiphus_at_imaginet.fr>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 23:02:25 +0100 (MET)

Bonjour !

Well seeing Martin's Crim last message, as well as Ken Rolston's archive?/work? on the Elf Topic make me yell out loud and wish for more on Elves.
Haven't we waited too long for a good supplement on those damn' Aldryami...

The elves'sense is one of the many subject on this fascinating race. What about their sexuality ? Their feeding habits ? Their precise relations with the other races --friend or foes--, or with the Forest inhabitants. How do they travel ? How is their habitats ? What about their lesser gods or secret pantheons ? Their relation with Aldrya.... Etc, Etc...

I hope HeroWars will enable to play an Elf --and perhaps shed more light on these fascinating beings.

Jean-Paul Lhuillier, Paris, France                 sysiphus_at_imaginet.fr


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