RW Miscellany and KoDP comments

From: Bruce Hollebone <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 15:38:00 -0500

A few fragments that caught my interest (from a long-time lurker).

Real world Heros?

A US army paper on "natural killers":

Apparently less than 5% of an army accounts for more than 40% of the enemy casualties. The profile in the linked article sounds a lot like Harrek, Arkat or your basic Uroxi. Good hand-out for players.

Real life Basmol v.s. the Bad Dogs:

From CNN Earthwatch:

   Two people, scores of hyenas and two lions    were left dead in a remote clearing in eastern    Ethiopia after a bloody battle between the    animals that lasted six days.

  Government officials reported that the fighting began when    a lioness and her cub were devoured by a pack of hyenas.    The pride of lions and the pack of hyenas then pursued    each other relentlessly. The gruesome battle near the    uninhabited area of Forest Hill, 300 miles east of the    capital of Addis Ababa, raged on until at least 30 of the    hyenas, two of the lions and two humans had died when    the revenge attacks finally ended. The government report    did not mention how the two human victims perished.

Obviously the mother and cub were Basmoli beast-people who reverted to human-form after death. Are there hyaenas in Prax or the wastes? There should be.

Finally, yet another King of Dragon Pass comment:

I've really enjoyed the game. A couple of times now, I've found myself up at four in the morning trying to squeeze in just one more year. Congratulations, A-Sharp! The last game to do that to me was Civilization, so you're in excellent company.

One weirdness I'm not sure is a bug or an intended feature: a Vingan (tribal king!) who succeed at the "Strengthen Quester" path of both Orlanth & Aroka and The Making of the Storm Tribe quests was not strengthened, but weakened in Combat and Leadership respectively. I've only had one Vingan in a position to heroquest, so I've not been able to repeat this. I'm playing with the 1.1 patch.

My only complaint is that your supply of nobles runs out too fast. The ones that die of old age appear to get replaced only about half or a third of the time. This makes for some *very* old rings by the end of the game.

Kind Regards,
Bruce Hollebone: hollebon (at)

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