
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 13:04:42 +1300

Alex Ferguson:

Me>> I think [the God Learners] found the distinctions [between the
>>four magic systems] rather than created them.

>They would say that, wouldn't they... I'm not dismissing the
>real differences they found, but equally, it's clear that there
>was a degree of manipulation in many cases to make the data fit
>'better'. Whether this was wholesale enough to be creating
>distinctions out of whole cloth, or whether it was no more than
>'tidying up' pre-existing systems that had 'devolved' from from
>ideal state is much less clear.

Well the Malkioni did have contact between Theists and Animists before the God Learners in both myth and history so I strongly doubt that it was a case of whole-cloth distinction manufacturing.

>> Greg seems to think that this pattern was real and became
>> complicated as the different worldviews meeting each other
>> in the storm age.

>I thought that Greg, who has indeed been expounding quite a bit on
>such lines of late, has presented it specifically as being a GL view.

I understood that it was a GL discovery rather than a "view".

>BTW, on the earlier comments about the Kralori draconic religion
>being a 'mixed' tradition: Greg has lately started calling it
>a fifth tradition in its own right.

He has said it was different to me before but I was under the impression (then) that he was referring to Kralori mysticism being a valid mystical tradition in its own right rather than a corrupt smorgasbord of NiangMao/Jainist mysticism and Hsunchen animism.

There is a precedent or two for this. In the glorantha book p22, we are told that "One prominent God Learner stated flatly "[The EWF] are of a different mind and another set of rules"". The other is that at Victoria Con before the reading of Belintars Book, Greg commented that there were seven ways of seeing the world, one being the lost perspective of the Gloranthan Court.

>However I think it's certainly
>the case the the God Learners did analyse them much as Peter
>suggests, as a mystic/animist synthesis, and that the FDR succeeded
>in manifesting considerable powers on that basis, so one can certainly
>still assert this is true 'on some level', I think.

Makes sense to me and explains why the Kralori can claim that the New Dragons were False.

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