Re: Vormain; Brithini; canal building; Agimori

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 22:03:33 -0800

"Terra Incognita" wrote:

> the three thing distasteful about gloranthan vormai from RW japan:
> 1: only pirates?

Not when we played there!

I think Vormain is portrayed only as outsiders see it, and it's intended to be a mysterious place about which little accurate is known.

> (I remember HeroWars covering Rinliddi region in some suppliment)

The cover of the Lunar book will feature a priest from Rinliddi...

Bob Stancliff responded to my Brithini comment:

> If participating in
> the 'proper rituals', and 'living correctly' keeps you from ever aging,
> has magic or a spell been used?

I believe there's a distinction: it is a magical effect, but no spell has been used. For example, there's no spell to dispel.

(I believe that most of the Malkioni Peter Metcalfe mentioned achieve immortality by spells. A few might be heroes, and unaging by completing the appropriate quest.)

It's quite possible that in Glorantha, digging a canal wouldn't be sufficient. You'd also have to convince the local water spirit/god to flow through it. (This is not to say that the waters would defy the law of physics, but without the right rituals, the water might just seep into the soil and not reach the end of the canal.) I see Dave Pearton has suggested specifics.

I played my Agimori character (Lwezichwe, for those who've read Tales) somewhat like a Spartan. Yes, they're superior warriors, but they're also held to a much higher standard than lesser men.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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