mixed, manifest, martial, and mystic

From: Dave Cake <dave_at_starfish.net.au>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 00:22:37 +0800

>> I think the mixed mystic traditions are generally pretty fine.
>> Orthodox mysticism abjures all magic use, but the mixed traditions are
>> (probably without exception) manifest mystics, seeking some unification
>> with the world, including the magical world.
>I'm not sure of the precise distinction you have in mind between
>'mixed' and 'manifest' here.

        Well, the manifest believe its Ok to interact with the world using magic, the mixed believe its OK to even do so using magic that is not entirely mystic in origin. In contrast to the orthodox, who allegedly believe that you should use no magic powers (though often seem to behave as if its OK to use magic, as long as you use it to NOT interact with the world).

>Greg seems to regard the main 'tantric'
>manifest mystic practices of the East as explictly 'mixture' of
>mysticism and high/esoteric animism, or perhaps just as being the
>point they have in common.

        Yes - which makes 'tantric' mysticism both mixed and manifest, I'd say.

> Whether Kralorelan mysticism is
>'manifest', 'mix', or both, is an issue which I shall attempt to
>duck with a nimble "It's definitely Draconic".

        except not draconic in the same way as dragonnewts and other draconic things are draconic?

        Manifest and mixed, I say. But who cares about these classifications anyway?

>Just because the mountains are currently
>infested with hsunchen doesn't make their magic 'original' to Kralorela:

        Quite true. The Hsunchen probably arrived in Kralorela long enough ago for the point to be pretty marginal. Hsunchen probably predate mysticism in Kralorela?

        The basic point being that a generous helping of hsunchen was stirred into the Kralori cultural stew long ago, and although many have attempted to strain it out since, you can still taste the flavour sometimes.

> What's more material perhaps is how much the resemble
>hsunchen magic, and I don't think that's very much. (Centipede
> Style m.a.'s don't go around growing numerous extra legs, for example,
> or anything so Unrefined...

        Its certainly alleged that Eagle style martial artists turn their hands into claws, though. I think such hsunchenish displays are unfashionable in the centre of the Empire, but flourish in parts anyway, permitted as long as the proponents don't rock the boat and keep their remote mountain monasteries etc.

        Most martial artists I think disdain such gauche abilities (and also elemental ones such as setting things alight at a touch - though this also seems to be known ability), and stick to the sort of abilities that the God Learners would probably attach a Power Rune to (such as death blows, refusing to be moved, giant leaps, perfect coordination of multiple attacks), or even abilities that are just plain control over the body (perfect balance, manic dodging, etc).



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