Loskalm and Upper Janube

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 23:29:55 +1300

Terra Incognita:

>IMO, before and after Syndics Ban some Strong Powers domained [Upper
>Janube] and struggled Akem Knight Legions and Daxdarian Heavy armoured

Generally before the ban, most of Fronela was weak and fragmented. Jonatela was split up in so many ways because the old kingdom was falling apart. The Arrolians were all isolated from each other and even the Rathori split up three ways.

I don't see post syndics ban as being dominated by Strong Powers before the Kingdom of War appeared. Jonatela suffered a brutal civil war as King Cong reunified his kingdom. Loskalm has been respecting other people's territorial claims and shown no imperial intent (this policy is now changed as a result of the KoW). The Carmanians are lethargic after a century of peace (most of the knights had sold their armour). Harrek the Beserk did muster a sizable army to sack Sog City but the Loskalmi slaughtered them.

>IMO, many current New Hrestoli see this hero-prince using paganistic
>Sorcery and Heroquest in Altinela and Killing God of Silver Feet. as
>tricksterish and uncomfortable feeling.

I don't think so. He's regarded as exemplar of chivalrous life and defended the church with "philosophical debate, law and force of arms". His trip to Altinela is no more pagan than visiting Pamaltela and there is nothing unmalkioni in killing a false god.

>His motherland Ease has his grave like False Grasstonbury grave of Arthur,
>(I think this grave hasn't any deadbody and he never returned from his final
>deed, killing of pagan god.)

I agree.

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