Shadow Cats of Bodmin Moor

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 13:29:22 EST

Me:<< Certainly its difficult to see how a population of panthers could remain hidden [snip]>>

Richard Develyn:
<<There was quite a good documentary here in the UK about these things - a series of 1/2 hour programs each devoted to one of these myths (like the Loch Ness monster). Anyway, w.r.t. the cats in Bodmin, the chap who presented it, who seemed pretty level-headed, said it was quite possible.  

 He explained that big cats are pretty good at hiding and if they don't want you to find them then you won't find them. The only problem would come about if a breeding pair formed when they get more aggressive and, I believe, bolder.>>

     That's why I said 'population'. A *single* cat released from a zoo or something, yes, fair enough.


End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #456

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