Rathori and Bows

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 22:16:21 +1200

Steve Lieb:

>IMO probably the most advanced/developed hsunchen-level people faced
>with a similar technological/doctrinal cusp were the Zulu (and
>neighbors) in the era of Cha'ka (commonly spelled in the west as Shaka).

The Zulus farmed crops and raised cattle which makes them nonhsunchen.   However in glorantha, the Men-and-a-half and the Arbennan confederation are hunter-gatherers and do fight Zuluesque style, which muddies the comparisons somewhat.

>Me>>I don't believe the Rathori even bother with fire arrows _en masse_
> >> as it serves no useful purpose in their lifestyle.

>Why would they bother with fire arrows?

To clarify, I'm talking about the ability of English Archers to fire about six arrows a minute compared one bolt a minute by the continental crossbowmen.

>I'd agree here - that if they do have the longbow, it wouldn't be a
>commonly used weapon. They are too hard to make,

Difficulty of manufacture is easily dealt with by noting that the Rathori learned how to make them from the elves. And the Elves grow their bows. I do not believe that the Rathori make their longbows by RW methods.

>too hard to use effectively, and unwieldy for everyday use (which
>would be the primary test for a hsunchen people).

The longbow is more relevant to the lifestyle of the Rathori hunter than it is to the english yeoman. And if the Welsh were capable of using it "effectively", then I don't see why the Rathori can't.

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #521

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