Interesting Kralorela

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 21:21:56 +1200

Keith Nellist:


>" Power-mongering, fence-sitting war lords, policy peddling
>plotical clients, panacea- vendors, needle fine Machiavellian
>intriguers, itinerant Nestors, down-at-heel wizards of statecraft,
>indeflectible assassins, ruthless pimps of Realpolitic, generals
>and tacticians of superb genius and cunning - dog-butchers,
>gamblers, tipplers, farmyard impersonators, medics, cat-burglars, jesters,
>masters of wisecrack, lascivious princesses, seductive concubines,
>philosophers, giants of the mind, immortals of the
>tongue, saints of astounding virtue and fortitude, and rogues of limitless
>treachery - all this is only a part of the cavalcade
>which we witness in the pages of Sima Qian's Historical

>Which is how I think Kralorela should be. Perhaps it is?

It is as far as I know.

>With Godunya in charge for the last few centuries I think it comes
>across as a bit lacking in dramatic tension.

Godunya's rule is too distant for most people to notice. The highest authority that most Kralori would interact with would be the Exarchs, and even those would be rarefied. I expect the Exarchs to be a lot less constant than Godunya purportedly is.

>At least, let there be a War Lord or two?

Like the ArchExarch of War, you mean?

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