A modest plea for forgiveness...

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 21:17:18 +1200

Wesley Quadros:


>Your arrogance and rudeness is truly impressive. Is this how you win all
>of your arguments? Insult those who disagree with you until they can't be
>bothered to feed your ego any further?

In the absence of anything to indicate what Wes is referring to, I can only assume that it must be the following paragraph:

::(I wouldn't normally be disturbed by this display of ignorance
::since I don't expect anybody to understand Pelorian metaphysics
::if they don't want to. _But_ when you and Martin are writing
::the book on the Lunar Empire, highhandedly dismiss certain
::statements on the basis of papal bulls from greg, and then reveal
::that you have a deeply flawed understanding of the same and fail
::to provide a coherent, groovy and tangible explanation of the
::RE's nature despite repeated proddings, then I have to wonder
::if you know what the fuck you are doing.)

If it is the height of arrogance to point out that your statements about Pelorian Philosophy are just plain wrong, then I plead guilty.

If it is complete rudeness to express doubt about the ability of the writers of "She Guides Us" to do their job well, then there is nothing that can mitigate what I have said.

To compound my enormities against modesty and decorum, I shall observe that instead of mewling about my deliberate lack of tact, Wesley would have been better served by heeding the concerns in the above paragraph and taking steps to either address them, rebut them or both (for which I must commend Martin for doing so).

Given this state of affairs, it would be most improper for me to criticize Wes for valuing his personal dignity above his ability to respond to other people's valid concerns. But being the kind of person that I am, I'll do it anyway.

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