shamans and mystics

From: David Cake <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 18:59:23 -0400


Alex wrote:
>the line between shamanism and mysticism is a
>a fine one, and Greg seems to feel much the same, on some evidence
>at least. (The line (if any) between manifest mysticism and esoteric
>animism, specifically.)

        And therein lies a tale of any number of convoluted off list arguments, hey Alex?

>The God
>Learners 'created' the different Otherworlds (as categories, that is,
>not out of whole cloth, obviously) in order precisely to understand
>each separately, not to understand the Other Side holistically, without
>reductionism and categorisation.

        Quite true - the God Learners where the very opposite of mystics IMO, rather than ignoring the otherworld as much as possible like good mystics should, they categorised it, explored it, strip-mined it.



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