Cragspider & EWF

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 20:24:59 +1200

Dave Pearton:

>I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge or insight into the
>relationship between Cragspider & the EWF?

>After all; they were close neighbours, Cragspider has some Draconic
>connections (the Black Dragon)and the EWF were not virulently anti-troll
>(the Only Old One sent help to the Dragons at the Dragonkill).

The EWF was instrumental in freeing the Orlanthi from Troll overlordship and it did levy tribute from Dagori Inkarth and Shadow Plateau.

Into Troll Realms (or 2nd edition trollpak) has a letter by Navarang, a Yelmalion Bigwig, about his plans to sneak into Cliffhome to find out the mystery behind the Great Trolls. Yelmalio was a favored diety of sorts in the EWF. This argues for some sort of balkanization within the EWF.

OTOH Geolgin has little problem in getting permission to travel through Dragon Pass to visit Cragspider so it's not too balkanized.

Hence I think the Black Dragon was part of the EWF polity but acted according to its mistress's desires. Cragspider would have been able to use it to find out what the EWF is up to and to shield herself from its ambitions. One can easily imagine the Skyfall Lake being declared part of the Black Dragon's Sphere of Influence and thus any dragonspeaker wanting to do something there would have to seek permission from the Black Dragon.

>Did Cragspider seek the help of the EWF remakers to try end the
>curse of kin?

I doubt it as she summoned troll spirits for fathers. Whatever the Remakers used would have involved stitches.

>Did the Black Dragon participate in the Dragonkill?

I don't see any reason why not.

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