Re: Nandan

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:50:33 -0700

Sergi Diaz

> I'm talking about Nandan. For what I've
> seen it's a way for men having children. What can you tell me about it?
> Where did him appear? (books, fanzines, etc...)

I was waiting for this question... Although it seems like a surprising number of people know of him, in fact he has never been in print. Nandan the Birthing Man was in the original Hero Wars drafts submitted by Robin Laws (and may well end up in a Heortling book). He is a hero from the Darkness -- when his clan was dwindling and no babies were being born, he decided that he would have a baby. He went on a heroquest and gained this power, and after lying with another man, in due course he gave birth. He thus restored a small measure of fertility to his clan, and they survived the Darkness.

Nandan initiates are considered in all ways as women (and they wear women's clothing). Presumably they shave all facial hair.

I think Greg liked all this, but exactly what official form it ends up in remains to be seen.

By contrast, I don't believe that Vingans are considered in all ways as men -- they are probably considered 85% men, but can act (ritually) as women as well. They dress as a combination -- men's clothing with a woman's overdress (see King of Dragon Pass for many examples).

David Dunham <> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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