The orlanthi sun

From: Mikko Rintasaari <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 04:20:58 +0300

I asked this question in the HW rules list, but it's more properly suited for the GD.

So here goes:

What do the heortling orlanthi call the sun overhead. Do they think the sun is Elmal, patrolling the great stead (the world), or do they think it is the Emperor Yelm?

The heorlings have been warring with the Dara Happans for so long, that they must have made the connection between their Yelm, and the Evil Emperor Orlanth slayed, and with whom he made peace in the LBQ.

So, is the sun Elmal or the Emperor Yelm?

        -Adept : who would really like to ask Greg about this.

I think I think... Therefore I think I am.

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