Re: The end of a long road

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 23:24:21 +0100 (BST)

At the risk of moving into "wouldn't let it lie!" territory...

Peter Larsen:
> Well, thanks for the effort. I think this is still sort of problematic, it
> seems to allow humans to have a pretty free hand in ignoring the god's
> desires (such as they are)

Not a free hand by any means. Only certain religious paths will 'work', or so this seems, at any rate; even those that are seen to be possible, you can't necessarily simply freely choose between them. It has to make 'situational sense', if you'll pardon such a vague statement. Ypu're going to be, at the very least, highly unencumbered if want to go on the Stomp the Solar heroquest for funky Dara Happan-dismaying powers, as per another thread, if every tradition your clan has, every piece of secret knowledge your cult holds, and every magical practice you've made to date point you in the Orlanth-and-Yelm-make-peace direction. One could multiply examples endlessly (if one wasn't knackered, and hadn't posted way too much already...).

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