Re: Swords & Esrolia

From: John Hughes <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 22:35:52 +1000


> FWIW I think that there are many different approaches to Humakts
> worship, not all of which result in drastically decreased fertility.
> There are probably some (probably esrolian) which, concentrating on
> other symbolism of the sword, have effects somewhat in the opposite
> direction.

Intriguing thought, and worthy of investigation. Freud's dead in our culture, so it may be worthwhile trying to keep him alive in Esrolia. :) Fertility and sexuality are certainly big down there (ahem - speaking as Heortling of course), but I don't know if penis envy is going to get much of a run among the matriarchal Sisterhoods.

There are two issues here for me; one is exactly how polarized "The Ten Ancient Polarities" actually are. That is, the opposed runes of

Harmony :: Disorder
Movement :: Stasis
Fertility :: Death
Truth :: Illusion
Cosmos (Law) :: Chaos

Given that these are Celestial Court powers, and that they "balance or contest to shape existence", I assume that they say something pretty basic about the facts of existence, either of themselves or in the descriptive systems that have evolved around them.And since these appear, in the main, to be unmediated powers, (how many major deities own opposing runes?) then if say a humakti is on a path to embody death, then you could strongly assume that powers and actions clustered around life/fertility/sexuality would fall away. There is *reason* to be frightened by Humakti.

The second issue for me is whether there would actually be many humakti in Esrolia. They may be on the outside in Heortling culture, but they at least have strong connections through the central mythology. In Esrolia, with its legions of BB Gori and Five War Daughters, where men are controlled, contained and in the main worship tamed-down consort gods, and where the entire rationale of the culture is posited on a *rejection* of the ways of men and the ways of sword and helm, then I can see humakti getting very short shrift. I seem to remember Gori carry round excised penises on their axes...

BTW, has anyone had a close look at the new runes for Makabaeus (HW 81)? Is his Rune *really* a capital M and two golden arches? There are mysteries here, deep and abiding. :) It certainly explains "living under desperate conditions". I wonder what the new power he discovered was? Has anyone done a hamburglar subcult yet? Suddenly, I've a dramatic new insight into Lunar sorcery. :)


John                          John Hughes

Passion for cosmos itself is an aesthetic act, a commitment to beauty.
- - Matthew Fox.

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