
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 16:26:02 +1300

Sergi Diaz:

>I'm beggining a new campaign centered in this tribe, but I've found very
>little on it. Can anyone tell me where can I find more information on
>the kitori?

There isn't much beyond what Thunder Rebels says about them:

         "The Kitori Tribe occupies the Troll Forest, although
         they once had much wider lands.  They are a vile people
         who hold blasphemous congress with the Uz.  They worship
         gods of the underworld and their Uz allies taint the good
         gods of the Orlanthi with their false worship.  The Kitori
         now hide in their woods, and rarely venture forth except
         to pillage and to take slaves.  Everybody hates them."
                         Thunder Rebels p52.

I understand they replaced the Trolls on the World Council after the latter left the God Project that created Nysalor. How they survived Arkat is a mystery. They also seem to be involved in starting the worship of Zorak Zoran among trolls.

During the Inhuman Occupation, they were led by one Varmagic Eye-necklace (a Great Troll Zoraki whose parents were cave trolls).

When the Pharaoh came, the "Kitori kings" gave Colymar and his people free passage across their lands into Dragon Pass.

The Kitori were heavily set upon by Monrogh and the Dragon Pass Yelmalions during Tarkalor's reign or before. The King of the Kitori there (KoS p174) is described as "having incited all his wife's lovers" to make war on a Orlanthi tribe.

And finally there's a reference to them in the RQ2 edition of Trollpak which tells of how the humans and trolls do not miscegenate (as the Tusk Riders do) and how they were responsible for leaking to humans the news about the Temple of the Wooden Sword at Sazdorf (an Argan Argar trader visited there and told his tribe about it, the Kitori humans told it to friendly humans outside the tribe).

As far as I can see, the tribe has a single hidden queen and that its clans are led by her lovers. The clans are probably either human or troll (although some of the Kings prove their love to the Queen despite their professed abhorrence of miscegenation is a good question).

The men would worship Darkness deities like Argan Argar (for trade), Zorak Zoran (for war) and Dojor the Black (as Ernalda's husband). Women might favour Dark Earth Deities such as Maran Gor or Asrelia. The trolls are probably theists and might worship Hachrat Blowhard or Urox.

And the less said about Black Arkat, the better...

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