Orlanth the Lion

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_wanadoo.fr>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:01:11 +0100

Sorry I don't really have the time to participate in the Wenelia thread as fully as I would wish to (although it's still early in the day IMO).

However :

Joerg :

> >But the God Pig does not convey Storm Powers whereas the Wenelian
> >Orlanth does.
> And Greymane's lion god does as well,

Orlanth the Boar and Orlanth the Lion are not in fact a pig and a lion with Storm powers ; but instead two forms (and two or more Haranding subcults) of Orlanth. Very probably Orlanth Thunderous. Can't really say more than that, but ST will make this somewhat clearer.

The ancient Durevings may have had a similar (but different) pig cult.

> whereas the original Basmol of
> Seshnela was comparatively weak in that department.

Orlanth the Lion has absolutely nothing to do with Basmol.

He is not a Durbaddi either, and this can only be a previously undocumented form of lion IMO.

> Orlanth has adopted
> other foreign entities as subcults as well - Mastakos, Yavor Lightning,
> to name two Heortling examples.

Basmol was never adopted into the Storm Tribe, though. Not even by the Harandings.

> Not Joerg >The Wenelians worship Ernalda
> >and Entra who is unknown to the Aramites.

IMO, the Wenelian clans do not have the unity of cult(ure) that this statement implies.

Esra rather than Ernalda perhaps : but that is merely a quantitative statement.

Also Overdruva & Votenevra ; and Nevala at least as much as Entra (but a very different, wilder Nevala than the Heortling goddess).

There is IMO huge local variation among the Wenelian cults ; both individually and as an ensemble.

Julian Lord

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