Re: Zistorites

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 12:42:16 -0700

Barry Blatt asked

>Just what magico-technological marvels did the
>Zistorites have?

In King of Dragon Pass, we sort of went for a Jules Verne approach, with lots of steam power.

>And how did a bunch of assorted barbarians stuff them if
>they did have such marvels? (Visions of Rorke's Drift, waves of screaming
>Orlanthi mown down by Zistorite riflemen, trollkin herded across minefields,
>Praxian encampments strafed by fiendish flying machines...)

If you've seen the artwork in KoDP, you'll recall that the assault on Zistor was aided by mostali, who are fairly competent in the magico-technological department themselves.

David Dunham
Glorantha/HW/RQ page: Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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