
From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:12:09 -0700 (PDT)

Alex Ferguson:
> Apparently-Texan Chris Lemens get my nomination for
> Worst Abuse of the
> Keyword Rules, next time there's any GTA voting to
> be done...

Thank you very much. I'll be campaigning hard.

> I'm especially struck by the "Football" (I use the
> quotes advisedly)
> score: does this tie in to the thread on High Gods,
> at all?

It definitely does. Frex, I know that my football is transcendant and yours is some kinda furrin' game fer pansies. You probably think the opposite. Apart from using Shotgun 4w7, how do I prove it to you?

Greg's recent post indicates that I get all my Texan good buddies together and you get all yer evil celtic cronies together and we both go off to the Great Football Field on the Hero Plane to discover or determine the shape of the ball, how many points you get for kicking the ball between the posts, and whether the fans drink their beer warm or cold.

So I think that, until the moment where the transcendant truth is disclosed or determined, normal Glornathans don't have the easily accessible sources of truth to tell them that their hated neighbors' god is in fact the Great God of whatever, while their god of whatever is distinctly less so. (Which is not to say that they may recognize some version of that fact because their myths (e.g., Heler's and Elmal's) say so.


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