RE: Retrofitting Fimbulwinter into KoS

From: Charles Corrigan <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 02:17:07 +0800

From: Jane Williams []

> lots of good stuff about Fimbulwinter almost being
> mentioned in CHDP.

This is similar to a message I posted to the Whitewall list but, I hope, worthwhile to post here too.

It just came to me to connect Kallyr's semi-failed short LBQ, as mentioned in KoS, with Iceland/OiD. I do not have the sources with me, but from memory:

KoS: Kallyr started the Stationary (short) LBQ but met a fully powered up Lunar woman HQer at the start of the quest and lost most of her companions.

OiD: Kallyr arrives at the scene of the battle of Iceland, frozen in a block of ice with a (woman's?) boot embedded in her side.

OiD/BA: Isn't one of the Lunar heroes (a woman) detailed in BA or OiD described to be Kallyr's HQ enemy though both of them are only beginning to suspect it.



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