RE: What was that about Y-G-WILL-V?

From: Jane Williams <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 07:25:02 -0000

>>> Time Travel doesn't work in glorantha like that.

Mike Cule:

> Does in mine. In fact my last RQ campaign but one featured
> the players finding a copy of KING OF SARTAR. They gave it to
> Starbrow. (Had an unfortunate effect of driving mad the Sages
> who used Divine Magic to translate it but nothing in this
> world is perfect.)

That was it! I knew you'd caused the Illiteracy Era somehow! You caused Lhankhor Mhy to go on strike, didn't you? He got part-way through, then refused to read any more or let anyone else do so. Or something like that... Memories floating back from a Convulsion bar in the early hours are a little hazy.

Now, if the Pharoah *is* moving around in time, and leaving notes for himself, I wonder if he'd have the same effect in a more widely accepted Glorantha?

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