Re: French in Glorantha (was your finger, you fool!)

From: Paul Albertella <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 12:45:44 +0100

Jane asked:
> Just curious - does anyone use French as a
> representation of any Gloranthan language? I believe
> we've got some Norman overlord/Saxon peasant analogues
> down in Heortland where it might fit, but I've never
> played there myself.

There are a few Francophone names in the published material on Ralios (Reinard de Faucille is the Archon of Naskorion and the King of the Tournament in Kustria is called Janus de Chevalier), so I suppose using French words to add a bit of flavour would make a certain amount of sense. Although I must admit I'm favouring Italian in my own setting...

I quite like the idea of using a variety of RW languages to represent unfamiliar Gloranthan ones (Soren always insists that Darktongue is Danish), but I'm much more firmly in favour of the use of non-English terms to colourfully express concepts in Glorantha. The 'gors' and 'gallt' of the Far Place are two that spring immediately to mind (although their meanings in Welsh seem to have been reversed - see Then of course we have fyrd, wyrd, tula, wergild and the like from Heortling culture.

I automatically wanted to use the familiar 'piazza' for public squares (especially as some of them are far from rectilinear) in Syran, and I'm also considering 'stretto' for a type of narrow waterway (half-way between a canal and an open sewer) and 'stampa' for a printed paper (using woodcuts or engravings for images, not for words).

Do we have any more examples of this?


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