RQ-3 rune magic and initiates

From: Mikko Rintasaari <rintasaa_at_mail.student.oulu.fi>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 15:07:41 +0300 (EEST)

> If the spells are one-use, then he has used up the spell
> and has to sacrifice more POW to obtain it again.
> --Peter Metcalfe

Since the system really sucked for initiates, and made it important to gather and hoard ten points of divine magic if you wanted to become a priest (or go down ten points and be a POW 7 priest, or so) many people used the following fix (I seem to recall it was even published in Tales of the Reaching Moon... by Nick Brooke, I think).

All rune spells are reusable. Priests get the use of them back with the day in prayer/sacrifice per spellpoint, initiates get them back at the rate of one week of prayer/sacrifice per spellpoint.

More importantly for the initiates, everybody get's their spells renewed by attending (or holding) the high holy day services.


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